Manifesto 2015
Manifesto 2015 is really all about levelling the UK playing field by helping the less well off by raising the income tax level to £12,500 pa, the NHS gets £8bn pa more by 2020 and education funding from nursery to FE college is safeguarded. Wasteful nuclear weapons submarines will be decreased and indefinite immigration detention ended. Our 5 Green Laws will continue our work to preserve the countryside and increase the use of renewable energy ,leaving fossil fuels where they belong(in the ground).
Every pledge is costed and achievable; why not allow us to get them into legislation by voting Liberal Democrats on 7th May.
Yes, it's a bit of a mouthful (or computer codeful) but that is the address for our Liberal Democrat Manifesto 2015, which makes encouraging reading; a record of promises kept and good policies brought into legislation.
If you just want a short summary, you can find that at This site gives you the opportunity to show your agreement by signing up to join our campaigns.