Latest news re. the Alex hospital.…/news-Risk-summit-to-l…
Risk summit to look at impact of A&E resignations
..Latest Bromsgrove News, HEALTH chiefs are to hold a 'risk summit' to deal with the fall out from the resignation of the four Accident and Emergency consultants from the Alexandra Hospital
Janet King, Bromsgrove Liberal Democrats chair, comments `Sometimes it is lack of money along witha winner takes all mentality( eg supermarkets causing closure of litte shops , large hospitals taking most resources so causing downsizing of local hospitals) which cause suffering and sometimes you have to stand up against it and fight back. Save the Alex group needs all our support and the NHS simply needs more money, George Osborne., because sometimes you cannot get better outcomes with leaner delivery.
It is about money and I am proud that the Liberal Democrats are the party committed to £8bn per year for the NHS in the next Parliament. For your health's sake vote for us!