Aware that the 22nd May Polling Day will soon be here Bromsgrove Liberal Democrats are well into their EU Election campaign with leaflet deliveries and local surveys in full swing.
Lib Dem MEP Phil Bennion has visited our town three times recently and enjoyed meeting local residents on Bromsgrove High Street before Christmas. He joined us for a shared Sunday lunch and a question and answer session and was guest speaker at Bromsgrove Liberal Democrats annual dinner. In his speech Phil asked us to consider the consequences of the UK leaving the EU: the loss of 3 million jobs(many in the West Midlands), the loss of any influence on EU policies, which would continue to affect our economy whether we were in or out of the EU. a lowering of human rights standards and the loss of funding through the European Social Fund and Regional Regeneration Funds. There is no doubt that our place is IN Europe and IN work. We fought for centuries to remain influential in Europe, why throw it away by leaving the EU now? Phil's Employment and Transport committee responsibilities allow him to work on the West Midland's behalf ensuring that opportunities in both areas are not lost...and after a busy week in Brussels weekend s are spent touring his West Midlands region to meet the people. A good MEP and well worth your vote on 22nd May.